Code of Conduct

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Urbanfeats Ideology
Code of Conduct

Urbanfeat Construction actively conducts business with fairness, impartiality, and ethical standards, ensuring full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Integrity serves as the foundation for all company relationships, be it with customers, suppliers, communities, or employees.

Our Code of Conduct embodies our core values, unwavering commitment, and guidelines that govern the conduct of the entire company. It encompasses various aspects, such as fostering employee development and integration, prioritizing quality, ensuring occupational health and safety, promoting environmental protection, and contributing to the sustainable development of society.

Furthermore, our Code of Conduct outlines clear steps to be taken in situations involving potential conflicts of interest and addresses any irregular behaviour that contradicts the principles and values enshrined within it. By adhering to this code, Urbanfeat Construction upholds its responsibilities and accountability all across India.

National Interest

Urbanfeat Construction’s employees are committed to actively contributing to the economic development of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, and the nation as a whole. We ensure that our projects and activities do not compromise the interests of the country or negatively impact the social and cultural fabric of its citizens. Instead, we strive to make a positive and meaningful contribution towards the attainment of national and regional goals.

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Building a Work Environment That Brings Out Employee Strengths

At Urbanfeat, we recognize that our employees are the fundamental pillars of our organization. We firmly believe that a single individual cannot triumph alone in the face of daunting projects. Therefore, it is paramount to construct a formidable team that can conquer any challenge. Through fostering a vibrant and competitive work atmosphere, we unleash the full potential of our employees’ strengths, allowing them to shine brightly.

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One Stop Solution to all your construction needs. URBANFEAT CONSTRUCTION is an ISO certified organisation. Here we ensure that all the standards for quality, safety, and efficiency of products, services, and systems are met with no negotiation.

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