Lucknow Urbanfeat -

It is the Right Time to Invest in Residential Properties in Lucknow?

In India, Real Estate has undergone a transformation in the last few years. The industry has seen a surge in efficiency as a result of a favorable combination of Innovative Marketing Strategies and Techniques. Real estate developers in India have recognized the importance of developing a brand in order to gain customer trust. When is …

It is the Right Time to Invest in Residential Properties in Lucknow? Read More »

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Important size of columns and footings for one and five story houses

Friends, both the column and the footing are one of the important aspects of the house, where the footing spreads all the load of the house into the ground, while the column depends on the loading and structural aspects. (Important size of columns and footings) On the other hand, if we talk about the size …

Important size of columns and footings for one and five story houses Read More »

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